Get Started

If this is your first time visiting Go Au Pair Glendale, this is the perfect place to begin. I put this page together to help you get started. There is so much information out there! I hope this makes it somewhat easier for you.

In a hurry? Here are four starting points.
1. What role will an Au Pair play in my home and family?
There are two roles an Au Pair can play 1) employee or 2) family member living with you and caring for your children. For your comfort and happiness I suggest merging the two. Love and respect her like a member of the family and communicate with her clearly like you would with an employee.

2. What will I need to provide for an Au Pair in my home?
Host Families are responsible for providing full room and board. An Au Pair must have a private room with a door that locks. Host Families are required to follow all Department of State (DoS) program regulations and provide a safe, healthy environment for their Au Pair. The Au Pair is paid a weekly stipend and Host Families contribute transportation and up to $500 towards the Au Pair’s education requirement. If you need a driver, you must provide car insurance for your Au Pair, however providing her with her very own car is unnecessary.

3. How do I search for an au pair to hire?
Host Families will access the Au Pair applications from their Host Family Portal. Your Placement Coordinator will post applications that fit your criteria, such as driving and Under Two qualifications. The Au Pair’s application is roughly 30 pages long and includes: application forms, pictures, a letter, references, interview, personality test results, and physician’s report. You are required to complete a telephone interview with an Au Pair before an offer of employment can be made. Go Au Pair uses a mutual match system which means that the Au pairs have the option to accept or decline an offer of employment.

4.  What will it be like to live with an au pair?
It depends on what type of family you are, and it definitely takes some adjustment. On the plus side, au pairs bond very closely with both parents and children, since they live with you. They are part of the family and add a new element to the mix, which can be fun and enriching once you get used to it.” – “So What’s it Like to Have an Au Pair Live With You?” Au Pair with Flair. 4/27/2011.

How Go Au Pair Glendale can help you…
As a Local Area Representative, my responsibility is to support Host Families and Au Pairs, all year round, in any way that I can. I’ll conduct an interview with your family when you first sign up for the program. After you’ve matched with an Au Pair, I will assist you in preparing for your Au Pair’s arrival. Within forty-eight hours of your Au Pair’s arrival I will call her to welcome her. Sometime during the first two weeks of her being in your home, I will hold an orientation to review your and the Au Pair’s expectations, the program rules, and establish open communication. Every month I will call both you and your Au Pair to discuss how things are working out. I’ll arrange group activities for the Au Pairs to attend and Host Family Days so you can meet and mingle with other au pair families. And, should a problem or breach in communication arise I will act as a neutral third-party mediator and facilitate a resolution.

What You’ll Find at Go Au Pair Glendale, AZ:
1. Information for Host Families.
2. Suggestions for Au Pairs.
3. Collaboration with Local Area Representatives.

New to Go Au Pair? Here are some places I suggest you visit.
What is Au Pair Childcare?
Go Au Pair-Au Pair Agency
Au Pair Care in 3 Steps

What to Know More?
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